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Digital Marketing From The Coalface

Mar 22, 2023

Some agencies aren't, well, agencies. They are a man or woman sitting in their pants offshoring work to a low-cost economy while charging you top dollar. If they are and it works, does it matter? In this episode of the show, Alex and both Dave's discuss the subject and investigate the pros and cons.

It's a good listen...

Mar 16, 2023

Nobody cares about your website or your business. So, it's your job to make them care, at least a bit, by telling a compelling story and having a clutter-free website. Unfortunately, too many businesses expect their website's visitors to join the dots and find what they need. They won't.

This is a good episode for...

Mar 10, 2023

Somewhat controversially, for a digital agency, we're advising people not to trust a design agency with a website project. In reality, we're saying don't trust a pure design agency because, in our view, you're very unlikely to get the website your business needs.

This is great episode for businesses owners and...

Mar 6, 2023

It's annoying when your website doesn't appear high in the search results for a search term you think it should rank for. In this episode, Alex and Dave discuss why and provide insights on how to improve things.

It's a great episode for business owners and marketing professionals who are getting frustrated by a lack of...